Shobdon was alive with militant Peace Protestors. Here, Miss Florence Cholmondley - Warner, President of the People
of Peace (Provisional Wing) protests vocally against the Civil War. Elsewhere, her sister Primula, President of
the Anti Testosterone League, and their adored pooch,Scamp, make similar trouble for all the intending combatants.
The Misses C-W are so against the Civil War that they are prepared to blow themselves up in the name of peace -
and take out anyone within the vicinity at the same time. Stop the War Now - or Else! |
The Bateman Coat of Arms at the Shobdon Village Road Junction. The LDV Leader who commands this prize
at the end of the day will become the 4th Baron Bateman and inheritor of Shobdon Court - resolving a serious
estate dispute. The Coat of Arms is guarded by the adored Scamp (loaded with dynamite) and another
Peace Protestor Bomb (unlovingly labelled by some players as "those big Tomato Things") |
Comrade Professor Winters and Bodyguards. The notorious leader of the Herefordshire Communists (having long
ago given up the pretence of being a "Broad Left Front") sizes up the situation before the battle. News is brought
to him that Senior Captain Maynard, HMG Commander has issued an "Appeal to Loyalty" Proclamation to the
three Shobdon LDVs. Winters immediately despatches his No.2, Comrade Gollumroo, to negotiate with
any LDV that wishes to ally with the Proletarian Masses. "Yeth, yeth, join usth...." Gollumroo's sibilant
tones have little effect on any Shobdon LDV, who are all determined to pursue their independent course
- or are they? |
The Bishop of Ludlow's HQ before the Battle. The Bishop, together with his ecclesiastical allies, the Bishop of Lichfield and the Rev. Jones, Chaplain to the Bishops, leads strong Anglican Forces towards Shobdon.
Upon news reaching him of Senior Captain Maynard's Proclamation and Comrade Gollumroo's diplomatic
overtures, he is determined not to be outdone. The Rev Duff Postin, Chancellor of Ludlow (aka "The Talleyrand
of the Herefordshire VBCW", here carrying the Great Flag of Ludlow) is at once despatched by fast car to confer
not with all Shobdon LDV leaders, but just one : Mr Hodges. Does he wish to become the 4th Baron
Bateman with divine assistance (and that of a lot of Anglican heavy armour)? Yes he does! A secret pact is sealed! |