Friday 7 July 2023


Anyone enthused by THIS PREVIOUS POST and in search of suitable 28mm VBCW Nuns might check out the webpage of Troublemakergames. While their range of Nuns are not newly released (apparently they came out in 2019), they don't seem to have received much publicity:

28mm Nuns with double-barrelled Shotguns - very VBCW !

28mm Nun Artillery Crew - useful for "Big Guns", mortars or vehicle crews

28mm Nun and 'Holy Ghost'. Possibly useful as a unique anti-tank device ?

The range is obviously directed principally at the 40K enthusiast, with lots of ridiculous "Sci-Fi" weaponry, but some careful figure choices and limited conversion work could produce a force of VBCW Nuns without much difficulty. Where else can you find Nun Cavalry ?

Nuns on "Little Donkeys". Chop out the GW style weaponry, replace with wire and home printed
VBCW pennons, and "Cha-a-a-rge !"........


  1. I might have use for a few of these, thanks for sharing them.

  2. No worries, glad to help! LMK when you've got a picture of them painted!
