To the east of Leominster, a throaty rumbling of armoured vehicles. Two full Platoons of infantry advanced forward, supported by an "Independent Amoured Brigade" of tanks and a self propelled "Big Gun", commanded by none other than Sir Alan McGuffin, Chairman of the Hereford Golf Club and famed escapee from Communist captivity. This is the "Main Force" of the newly founded Social Democrat Republic of Bromyard, for the first time lead into battle by the "flame haired founder" of the Republic himself, Councillor Arthur Dribblesnot.
The advance of the Bromyard "Main Force" - infantry supported by tanks. In the woods at the top, Sir Alan McGuffin's "Big Gun" prepares to open fire. For more on McGuffin, see HERE and HERE |
The black and red flag of the Bromyard Republic denotes Dribblesnot's HQ Section.
The flag carries Bromyard's motto - "No Kings! No Bishops! No Bally Commissars!"
On the Government side, a Platoon of newly recruited Telegraphists "de-bus for action" in defence of their Arms Dump. Their slim hopes rest on the Bromyardistas conveniently advancing across an old rifle range in front of the Dump...
To the left of the Bromyard Main Force, and hence in the centre of the east table, a screen of more infantry, supported by Police cavalry (lancers and dragoons)..
...and on the left of the east table, a new force in support of the Bromyard Republic, consisting of farmers, villagers and (gulp) "red robed cultists". This Platoon has no heavy weapons (mortars, MMGs, AT rifles, etc) but does have a "very strange supporting vehicle": |
An "AWV", or "Armoured Worship Vehicle". For the background to the AWV, see HERE. |
Little is known, even now, of the origin or purpose of these red robed cultists, save that it may be that they worship "the SHODDY chassis" that forms the basis of the AWV. After all,
strange things have been known to happen before in the Hereford VBCW.....
Even less is known of the leader of this Platoon, contemporaneously identified only as a "Lord of the Manor". Quite which Manor has never become known, as the "Lord of the Manor" proved strangely camera shy during the course of the Battle. Some even whisper that his image cannot be recorded on film. Nevertheless, it has been suggested that the "Lord of the Manor" had a somewhat exotic lineage, and was a grain trader before the VBCW. It can only be for those reasons that his "nom de guerre" is at all explicable - "El Seed" is to lead the advance on the Bromyard left. Facing him, Captain Giles and his Wyvern River Defence force ("WYRD"):
Wyrd Force rushes into action, a MMG covering any threatened charge from the police cavalry, sailors and marines rushing headlong towards the Bromyard Cultists... |
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