In the western suburbs of Leominster, the Communist T-26 column begins to roll, supported by hordes of infantry....
Winters urges - Forward Comrades! To the Brewery!
Urgh! Yuck! The plague of cards on the table grows worse....
More Communist infantry begin to wade through the piles of clubs and diamonds
A long shot of the western table. The Communist infantry has now reached the hedge line, with recce elements heading up the road. A third Platoon of Communists put in a "direct assault" on the Brewery (table, top) |
Those T-26s can move fast. Trucked infantry in support. A BUF tank is hull down at a wall corner, ready with an enfilading shot... |
As the BUF Wulhere carefully position their Anti-Tank Rifle.. |
Carnage in Communist ranks as HMG counterfire explodes...the tanks are in trouble... |
and the supporting lorried infantry is forced to dismount hurriedly.. |
The BUF mount a mobile defence, falling back under immense pressure. The "Arthur Daley" AA battery is deployed in a ground fire role.. |
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..knocking out yet another Communist tank. But Winters' artillery is slowly wearing down the defenders, coming close even to exploding Maynard himself... |
...and there is no respite for HMG Forces from the huge numbers of Communist infantry.... |
It was carnage in the western suburbs, with enormous casualties on both sides. Casualties that the Communists, with their greater numbers, could afford - but not the Government. Maynard's forces were ultimately reduced to just his own HQ Section and a solitary tank, stubbornly falling back to the Brewery. Spode's forces within the Brewery had been reduced to two sections, having lost both their MMG and artillery support. Now Winters' Communists were manhandling their own heavy artillery into new firing positions..
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