Saturday 31 August 2024


A short "keep the date free" post in relation to the Autumn VBCW Autumn Big Game 2024, which is going to be a little later than usual this year because Umpire (and Terrain Tsar) Roo is "moving barracks" in October, so our 2024 Big Game will take place on/at:

 Saturday 23rd November 2024
Yarkhill Village Hall
9.30am – 5pm

The full scenario will be put up on the blog in the due course, but it’s already clear that, with our working title, "Return to Little Hereford", we’re revisiting the same Parish as last year's Autumn 2023 Big Game. Its an “All play All” game in farming country, with "Big Men", hordes of marauding women – possibly a return of the Nuns – on a battlefield centred upon a 1/60 scale Handley Page Hereford, flown by the RAF but crewed by Feldmarschall Goering’s Fallschirmjager (on day release from The Red Lion, Bridge Street). With such unprecedented co-operation between RAF and Luftwaffe, what valuable secret can the plane be carrying? And how many marauding women can you capture take hostage “persuade to take tea” in your farm – if you can even capture a farm ? 

And can Stokkies Joubert, rollicking hero of the King’s Own Colonials, finally escape from Anglican captivity? Will the Umpires have made up some rules for his possible escape by November 23rd ? (if either of them can find an envelope, you can count on it).

All these serious issues can only be resolved by attendance at the Hereford 1938 Autumn Big Game 2024 on Saturday 23rd November 2024 - keep the date free !

PS. Free Stokkies Joubert !!

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