After the fall of Leominster (Spring Big Game 2022 - see HERE) and subsequent diplomatic shenanigans the declaration of the "Three Counties Co-Prosperity Sphere" (see HERE) a mixed force of Anglicans and Bromyard Republicans advances southward, intent on capturing the new Cadbury's Factory at Marlbrook (see HERE), one of the key "economic assets" in the County. Simultaneously, a strong force of Communists, under the leadership of the notorious Colonel Commissar Professor Winters, has force marched from the outskirts of Leominster and "hooked around" behind the Marlbrook Factory, intent on breaking through HMG's hastily constructed "Dinmore Hill Line" (see HERE) and capturing Hereford itself.
Sir Charles Tite-Wadde, Bt., newly appointed Commander of the Collective Corporate Guard (i.e. a combined Platoon of Cadbury's Commandos, Fyffes Motor Guard and Oxo Brand Guardians - see HERE) is determined to defend the Marlbrook Chocolate Factory against all enemies. He has persuaded the local Marlbrook Agricultural Militia to "stand with him", and banned any historical reference to "The Alamo". His second-in-command, Cadbury's Captain "Coco" Cubbe, has pleaded with HMG by telephone for urgent support....
Major Everard, C-in-C of HMG Forces in the County, has secretly re-inforced his troops along the Dinmore Hill Line and determined upon "a sally in strength" towards Marlbrook. He aims to "sweep away" the oncoming Communist Forces and "join hands" with the gallant defenders of Marlbrook - all without losing control of the Dinmore Hill Line itself, his last geographical line of defence against capture of the County capital.....
Can Sir Charles save the Chocolate Factory? Are the Cadbury's Commandos really "flaky"? Will the Marlbrook Agricultural Militia "melt away" and return to their fields? Can Major Everard defeat his nemesis, Colonel Commissar Professor Winters? Will Hereford fall to the triumphant Communists, or Cadbury's Marlbrook to the greedy sweet-toothed Anglicans and Bromyardistas? Just how many times will the Fyffe's corporate mascot, "Bananaman", be blown up - and by whom? All these, and even more pressing questions, can only be answered by attendance at:
The Hereford VBCW 1938 Spring Big Game 2023
("Charlie and the Chocolate Factory")
Burley Gate Village Hall
Saturday 25th February 2023
10am - 5.00pm (doors open c.9.30 am)
Burley Gate Schools, c.1900, now the Burley Gate Village Hall. Who could have guessed that, some 38 years later, the very future of the the County would be decided here... |
Notes for Players:
(1). Set - Up : 2 large tables, the "Marlbrook Factory" table and the "Dinmore" table. On the Marlbrook Factory table, 3 Platoons (Anglicans and Bromyard Social Democrats) attack the Cadbury's Factory, defended by 2 Platoons (Combined Corporate Guard and Marlbrook Agricultural Militia). On the Dinmore table, 3 Government Platoons (Royalists and BUF) clash with 2 Communist Platoons in a "meeting engagement", each trying to "break through" the other.
(2). Rules : "Went the Day Well" (Mort v.11) with the following amendments/clarifications:
(a). one phase bounds, no Mort "two phases";
(b). tanks have a maximum of one gun and one LMG;
(c). armoured cars can only be armed with one LMG;
(d). cavalry and infantry do not need to take a morale test to "charge home";
(e). "hedge hopping and obstacle crossing" - test by unit, not by single figure;
(f). only Platoon Leaders and one Platoon Standard Bearer can produce morale effects;
(g). no cards on the playing surface - hold cards in your hand and rely upon "the Card Caller";
(h). special rule as below for "Armoured Legends" (Modelling Challenge 2022)
(i). "Bananaman" (with his appalling singing) causes a -1 morale effect on ALL troops (except Fyffes Motor Guard) within a 6 inch radius. This adverse morale effect ceases when "Bananaman" is shot, exploded, bayonetted, or "permanently expired" otherwise howsoever. Upon expiry, "Bananaman" re-spawns (in the discretion of the Cadbury player) at the centre of the Cadbury Factory;
(j). Umpires have discretion to amend as may be deemed necessary for the "good of the game".
USMC Lt-Gen "Chesty" Puller channels Sir Charles Tite-Wadde, Bt., 1938 (An alternative version has this famous Marine saying, "We're surrounded.....they can't get away this time.") |
Platoon Generator and Troop Experience
(a). Platoons organised in accordance with the Platoon Generator
(b). Experience ratings determined "on the day" in accordance with the procedure set out within the Platoon Generator post, again
Practical Matters :
(a). Setting up of tables will take place from c. 9am, so if you want to come earlier than 10am please feel free;
(b). Directions to Burley Gate Village Hall can be found
(c). Tea, coffee, biscuits provided, but please bring your own lunch. Those who forget can (usually) purchase provisions at the Burley Gate Village Shop, located in the Portakabin right next door to the Hall itself.
(d). cost is £15.00, collected on the day. Please remember to have change or it may cost you more!!
(e). photography of the BIG GAME is definitely encouraged! Please don't forget your cameras!
(f). paper & pen desirable for (3) above
(5). Modelling Challenges
(a). don't forget to collect (on the day, from the Umpires) your "cheep plastic" PMW 1.5 tonne truck(s) to take part in the Modelling Challenge 2023 ("Technicals") (see
(b). participants in the Modelling Challenge 2022 (see
HERE) may play their creations ("Armoured Legends") as a FREE UMPIRE BONUS at this Spring 2023 Big Game;
(c). Special Rule for "Armoured Legends" - in the event that an "Armoured Legends" tank is blown up, the "Armoured Legend" himself/herself does not die, but is "catapulted" by the force of the explosion from the tank in a random direction for a random distance (use direction die and 2D6), and thereafter continues "on foot". The bias is always against an "Armoured Legend" being killed in this Big Game - because they have to have some time "in County" to become "the Legend" that they supposedly are......
(6). And that's it, VBCW Chaps! Just remember.............