Monday 24 October 2022


It is as yet unclear exactly where the BUF "Mailed Fist Battlegroup" is heading within Herefordshire after its initial "laager in Ledbury". But the Battlegroup is clearly equipped for any eventuality - including amphibious operations and riverine crossings - as photographs of its integral "Bridging Column" demonstrate:

Assault Boats/Pontoons in transport. Truck and trailer, vintage Dinky (from Ebay).
Boats/Pontoons from the spares box, originally part of a "Pirate Playset".

Two "prime movers" with Pontoon Bridge and equipment on trailers.
Truck and trailer are from the Corgi 1/50 range ("Scammell Highwayman")
Pontoon Bridge scratchbuilt plasticard with cut to fit Airfix Pontoon Bridge sides.

Transport shortages are endemic in the VBCW, but a single prime mover
can cope with both Pontoon Bridge trailers if necessary.

Note: this post was inspired by Tradgardmastre's discovery of an extract from a pre-war Elastolin catalogue (see below and HERE on the Duchy of Tradgardland blog) of pre-war German production of the same kind of Bridging Column (and pioneers, which now need to be scratchbuilt - sometime - in 28mm!). For the follower of 1930s War Toys, inspirational stuff!

Add edit: a better view of the same products, possibly from the following years catalogue  -

Next up - the BUF "Sloane Rangers".......


  1. Pontoon bridges are always a great project.

  2. Yes indeed Pancerni. The BUF column now matches the Anglican's previous superiority in the "bridging area"; see the Battle of Winforton Pontoons (gosh, back in 2018!)
