Thursday 20 June 2024


It's been a little while since we looked at contemporary comic book heroes as prospective characters in the Hereford VBCW, but here is one to give "The Wolf of Kabul" (and his Social Democrat supporting Afghans) a run for his money - "Battler Britton"!!

Square jawed, stiff upper lipped, laughing in the face of potential death -
"Battler Britton" takes on the entire crew of a destroyer (and its forward
main armament) - all the while carrying a wounded comrade. What a chap! 

This battleship might be a little large for the Wye River Flotilla, and flying
a rather suspicious flag. But eagle eyed "Battler Britton" will sink it all the
same, using only his trusty Browning Machine Guns. I say !

After a battleship, what price a Nazi tank ? Now back home for a warm beer
and some manly, back-slapping badinage in the mess...

Not that "Battler" is unused to action at close quarters.
Here he is demonstrating his Very British ju-jitsu skills
 in the cause of "Anti-Fascism".

But sometimes even a British gentleman must "fight dirty" - especially
when (yet another) Nazi stands between him and his beloved Lysander..

Mind you, "Battler Britton" is so intensely courageous that he will even -
incredibly - take on a Me.109 in a Brewster Buffalo - and triumph! Tally-ho!

No doubt coming to a Hereford VBCW landing field some time soon -
ladies and gentlemen, I give you, the Very British "Battler Britton" !
Hurrah !

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