Saturday 22 June 2024


 Being the fifth in an irregular series of blogposts considering the application of Frank Chadwick's "bathtub" campaign ideas to the VBCW in Hereford. For earlier posts, click on the "Bathtub Hypothesis" label to the right...

The "bathtub idea" for the Hereford VBCW is still (appropriately enough) bubbling away. We worked out in the previous posts that, to represent the entirety of the County of Herefordshire on the tabletop, we would need an area of some 16 feet x 18 feet. Although we could use ordinary tables appropriately spaced in order to provide this table area (see, for example, the French May 1940 campaign illustrated HERE), there might be a more cohesive way to set out the tables, as illustrated by the "Der Alte Fritz" blog:

These three tables, according to Der Alte Fritz (Jim Purky), are each 6ft x 24ft, and are situated in the basement of a friend. His own home set up consists of two tables, each a more modest (!) 6ft x 12ft, as illustrated here:

Hence, "Bathtub Herefordshire" could be physically represented on the tabletop - in the most efficient and cohesive way -  by three rows of tables, each 6ft x 18 ft. Jim Purky's very helpful blog and photos above illustrate just what is possible....

Note : Jim's blog is in the blog roll to the right, "Der Alte Fritz Journal", and is well worth following (especially if you like 54mm wargaming on a huge scale).

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