Friday 28 June 2024


  Being the seventh in an irregular series of blogposts considering the application of Frank Chadwick's "bathtub" campaign ideas to the VBCW in Hereford. For earlier posts, click on the "Bathtub Hypothesis" label to the right.

Part of the inspiration for the Hereford VBCW "Bathtub Hypothesis" came from the "Megablitz" rule set by Tim Gow, as noted HERE. Chris Kemp, of the Not Quite Mechanised ("NQM") blog (see the blogroll to the right and HERE) seems to have been part of the same loose group of gamers who developed "Megablitz", but later split off, with the heinous decision to scale down to 15mm, and thereafter developing his own NQM rule set.

All such rules, however, are seeking to restore "the operational art" to the tabletop by playing with various representations of space, time and distance. Chris Kemp's NQM site has just published a recent and well illustrated Megablitz game of "Operation Crusader" in the Western Desert, 1941, titled "Megablitz - A grand day out Rommelling" : see HERE.

Rommel in his Pz.38(t), pre-1941. Somehow, in another impeccable description of the "Megablitz"
recreation of "Operation Crusader", Chris Kemp failed to refer to Rommel's previous involvement in
the Hereford VBCW. We hope to remedy this unfortunate error in future blogposts...

Well worth popping over to Chris Kemp's NQM blog just for the photos of a grand scale Operation Crusader, but the real gem has to be his breezy explanation of what "Rommeling" actually is - or "Things to Do in a Tank". Very funny.....and Storm Leader Dastardly of the Ledbury BUF has clearly been taking early lessons.....

Dastardly, not Rommel. All such gestures from a 28mm tank commander must now
be accompanied by the immortal phrase : "Release the chimps !"

Not Quite Rommel - Kemp. Jawohl, mein Feldmarschall !

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