With the results of the 2019 Modelling Challenge having been announced and planning for the Spring Big Game 2020 well advanced, it's time to introduce the Modelling Challenge 2020....
This time, the Modelling Challenge falls into two parts.
Keeping up our tradition (well, we did it this time last year) of being wholly non-exclusive and not-at-all-proud purveyors of "cheep Chinese plastic stuff", the Umpires will have ten VBCW(ish) semi-scale aircraft models (produced by Elstree Aeronautics, a newly discovered division of the famous VBCW tank manufacturer) to provide FREE to players at the Spring BIG GAME 2020! That's right, FREE and first come, first served - judging by the 2019 Modelling Challenge, if you don't claim your aircraft model, then Roo and Alan will start factory production of the remaining excess, resulting in fleets of fighter bombers appearing over your head at the BIG GAME thereafter....
That's right. It's part of the Modelling Challenge tradition (well, we've done it for the last two years) that "whatever is produced can be played" as an addition to your usual Platoon assets. Judging from Alan and Roo's tank production (see the previous blog post), it looks like they will have a serious amount of armour to "put in play" at the Spring BIG GAME 2020. Such tank "brigades" might even overwhelm the Umpires' abilities to make up rules to keep everything balanced and within VBCW bounds.....
And there's more. Intelligence suggests that His Majesty's Government have diverted a serious amount of air power to the Spring BIG GAME 2020 (which may or may not be early production runs from Elstree Aeronautics). It looks like this time Mosley and the King really mean business. What can possibly stop them?
So the second part of the Modelling Challenge 2020 is the independent model manufacture of anti-tank and anti-aircraft weaponry: in fact, any kind of "anti" weaponry that a player can make up from odd figures and his (or her) "bits box" (or, for those who prefer shopping, wallet and paintbrush). If you make and paint an entry for the 2020 Modelling Challenge, you can play it (subject to consultation with the Umpires on rules, etc.) and (obviously) the more VBCW-ish the idea (and back story), the better.
Not that any "anti-weaponry" need be anything too elaborate or expensive:
Comrade Professor Winters' notorious Anti Tank Team take out an Automobile Association tank.
Simply two figures slightly converted (with crowbars) and painted with identifiable headgear. |
"Mad Wullie" McSpaniel, Sir Gilbert Hill's tank hunter. An odd figure from the bits box.
His thoroughly entertaining back story can be found on Sir Gilbert's Blog, HERE |
"Mad Wullie" in (explosive) action. The defenders are likely to need lots of "Mad Wullies" (or his like)
at the Spring BIG GAME 2020. |
Not that even a figure is needed. Here the Government defenders at the "Bridge over Trebbbled Water" game
use a fuel truck to spread oil on troubled waters (and then set light to it).... |
...although you can be elaborate (and 1930s pulpy) if you wish. These are experimental "sonic dischargers"
produced by the Cathedral School 6th Form (and Physics Department). They have clearly set out their
campaign motto in front of them...... |
In contrast, the motto of the 2020 Modelling Challenge.
The only limit on entries is your imagination and
sense of "the VBCW". Although not everything
explosive may be a good idea.... |
An American inspired "crotch mortar" undergoes preliminary field testing.
Back to the drawing board... |
Thus, the 2020 Modelling Challenge, "Aircraft and Anti-Everything". It's about ten weeks to the Spring BIG GAME 2020 (see blogposts to come) and thus the "Anti-Everything" items come first (don't worry if you're traditionally a BUF or HMG player, and likely to be "an attacker" the 2020 Game: there will be lots of subsequent opportunities to deploy your "Anti-" creations). At the Spring BIG GAME 2020, please take away an aircraft model (or more if there are any left) to complete the Challenge......