1. General : Move Phases
We are reverting to the original
“WTDW” Rules in relation to “phases”:
i.e. returning from “two phases per move” to “one phase per move”. Mort
introduced the “two phase amendment” three or so years ago in order to make the
wargame more realistic, but the overwhelming feedback from Hereford VBCW
players is that “speed of play” is more important for a Big Game.
2. General : Chance Cards
We are reintroducing “chance
cards” for this game, with a special set of cards specifically for this
scenario (or numbered cards with a table of events cross referenced to such
3. Special : Platoon Roster Amends
The usual Platoon Roster consists
of one Platoon HQ, one Platoon Heavy Wpn (MMG or Mortar), one Platoon AT
Weapon, three infantry sections, one tank OR big gun and “something VBCW”,
which may be another infantry section, or VBCW type vehicle(s). The usual rule
(sometimes strained in its observance) is that one cannot have both a Big Gun and a Tank, or two Tanks,
or two Big Guns, within a Platoon. See the Platoon Generator.
For this game, we are abandoning
that rule. So this time, you can have
(if you want) two Big Guns, or two Tanks, or a Big Gun and a Tank per Platoon.
A river crossing demands more heavy weaponry than usual for both “defender” and
“attacker”, and it is realistic - even for the VBCW - that both sides would
seek to concentrate their available heavy resources about the riverside. Or the
Umpires say so, anyway.
Amend your Platoon Generator
results accordingly.
4. Special : Deployment Zones
Before play commences, the
defenders (HM Government) may set up their (1). HQ Section (2). AT weapon (3).
1 x Big Gun (and forward observer if appropriate) or Tank, all within one foot of their table edge. Their remaining
Platoon assets (e.g. usually 3 Infantry Platoons, the infantry heavy weapon
[MMG or mortar] and 1 Big Gun or Tank) remain
off-table and are diced for at the end of each succeeding move. A
successful die roll results in the relevant unit (of the defenders’ choice)
arriving at any point along the baseline
at the beginning of the following move.
Die Rolls for Arrival
6 = 2 x“off table”units from the
Platoon arrive (Defender’s choice)
5 = 1 x “off table” unit from the
Platoon arrives (Defender’s choice)
4 = a non-infantry unit from the
Platoon arrives (Defender’s choice)
1 - 3 = nothing arrives.
HM Govt always take initiative
cards at the start of each turn equivalent to the total number of their units,
whether on board or off board. If HM Govt players have more cards than they
“need”, the most appropriate can be played, and the rest simply discarded.
Before play commences but after the HM Government forces have deployed,
the attackers (Anglican & Allies) may set up all their available units
within one foot of their table edge.
Rationale for these rules: HM Government are defending lengthy
stretches of the River Wye. It is reasonable that they should have some units
“in situ” with reserves arriving to the (newly identified) “threatened point”
in a somewhat haphazard manner. Anglican forces will have “spotted” HM Govt.
defenders before launching their attack at the “threatened point”, hence their
set up after HM Govt. forces.
5. Scenario Special Rule : Assault Boats
Assault Boats (exclusively in
Anglican & Allied Hands):
(a). may be dragged across
ground, one boat per Section. The Section should be distributed around the boat
in a realistic “carrying” mode. Move rate across ground: 12 inch full move/6
inch half move.
(b). may be “launched” into the
River Wye without movement penalty (e.g. if moving from “ground” to “river”
within one move, the 1/60 models are allowed to “jump in” the boat without
movement penalty and the move completed “on the water”)
(c). have a carrying capacity (in
water) of one Section or equivalent eg. (1). Heavy Wpns (MMG or mortar) (2). HQ
Group & AT Group/Rifle. There are five (5) assault boats per section, and
therefore sufficient (if that is what a player chooses to do) to carry the
entire infantry component of a Platoon with Hvy Wpns and AT Group/Rifle. Assault
boats cannot carry Big Guns, Tanks, Armoured Cars or Cavalry. These can only
cross the Wye on completed Pontoon Bridges.
(d). move rate on water: 1D6+6
inches. Boats are unaffected by current, winds, etc. and may generally be moved
as if they were “trucks on water”. Occupants may fire from boat moving at this
rate without penalty.
(e). may be “disembarked” from
the River Wye without movement penalty (e.g. if moving from “water” to “ground”
within one move, the 1/60 figures are allowed to “jump out” the boat without
movement penalty and the move completed on land at the water movement rate)
(f). casualties to a Section do
not affect the above rules. The effects of fire on a Section
carrying/travelling within a boat are dealt with by the Morale Rules (e.g.
6. Scenario Special Rule : Firing on Assault Boats
Assault Boats may be fired upon
(of special interest to HM Govt. players):
(a). boats are treated as
unarmoured trucks for the purposes of being fired upon. Apply the same rules
for working out casualties within the boat if it is hit by fire;
(b). boats may be destroyed by
fire (“sunk”). Apply the same rules for working out casualties within the boat
if it is sunk. Surviving 1/60 figures should be placed in an irregular circle
around the “sunken” boat before it is removed from play and are deemed to be
(c). Movement rate for swimming
figures: 3 inches in the direction of the player’s choice. Swimming figures
should obey the “unit coherency” rules. It may be a long swim to the nearest
river bank….
(d). All weapons save pistols are
deemed lost to swimming figures. Each swimming figure is deemed to have a
pistol. It may not be worth getting out of the water even if a river bank is
7. Scenario Special Rule : Building Pontoon Bridges
Pontoon bridges (exclusively in
Anglican & Allied hands):
(a). consist of four parts -
entry ramp, pontoon one, pontoon two, exit ramp (“pontoon parts”) This
replicates the three actual 1/60 scale pontoon bridges available (Airfix
Pontoon Bridges widened for 1/60 scale tanks). A completed Pontoon Bridge is
sufficient to cross the width of the 1/60 River Wye (2 feet wide);
(b). it consequently takes a
minimum of four moves to build a Pontoon Bridge. One “pontoon part” per Pontoon
Bridge may be laid per move;
(c). it takes one Section to
build a Pontoon Bridge. Casualties to a Section do not affect their building
ability. The effects of fire on a Section building a bridge are dealt with by
the Morale Rules (e.g. Jumpy/Suppressed);
(d). “Pontoon parts” appear as if
“by magic”, i.e there is no necessity to transport them to the water’s edge.
Consequently, if a Section arrives at the water’s edge and their player
declares “I’m laying a Pontoon part” (i.e. the entry ramp, in this example),
the ramp becomes available to that section immediately, as if “by magic”. “Building
a pontoon part” counts as a full action, e.g. that is the only activity the
section can undertake that turn.
(e). A Section building a Pontoon
bridge must be in physical proximity to the “pontoon part” being laid, e.g. at
the water’s edge for the entry ramp, on the entry ramp itself to build pontoon
one, on pontoon one to build pontoon two, on pontoon two to build the exit
(f). A player may “swap” a
pontoon bridge building section by physically swapping figures around in
accordance with the usual movement rules. This will allow a unit that is
“jumpy” or “suppressed” to retreat from their bridge building duties and be
replaced by a unit with higher morale/greater ability to “finish the job”, but
at considerable cost in time and force ratio to the attacking player.
(g). once a Pontoon Bridge is
finished, either side can of course
“attack across it” if appropriate, according to the usual Big Game rules for
8. Scenario Special Rule : Firing on Pontoon Bridges
Pontoon Bridges may be fired upon
(of special interest to HM Govt. players):
(a). pontoon parts of pontoon
bridges are treated as armoured cars for the purposes of being fired upon.
Apply the usual rules for working out casualties on the pontoon part if it is
hit by fire (e.g. a section standing on the relevant pontoon part);
(b). pontoon parts may be
destroyed by fire (this applies even if and after a Pontoon Bridge has been
‘completed’). Apply the usual rules for working out damage to the pontoon part
and casualties on the pontoon part if it is destroyed. Surviving 1/60 figures
should be “retreated” and placed on the pontoon part immediately behind the destroyed pontoon part.
9. Scenario Special Rule : Smoke
(a). Sir Gilbert Hill has a
special “additional unit” of three tanks (provided by the Umpires), armed only with smoke shells. All other
players (and Sir Gilbert’s other tanks or artillery) may fire smoke shells. Sir Gilbert takes an extra initiative card
per move for his “additional unit” of smoke shell tanks.
(b). Mortars cannot fire smoke
shells. Only tanks and Big Guns.
(c). Dice for the prevailing wind
(a). at the start of the Big Game (b). after lunch. This is undertaken by
throwing an GW EM-4 direction die. There is no die for wind strength, which is
(c). Fire smoke shells as per
normal rules. A player must declare “firing smoke” before undertaking
measuring/dicing etc.
(d). A smoke shell burst consists
of a piece of white kapok on a DVD disk. Once a smoke shell is fired, place as
per normal rules. Place a dice on said DVD disk turned to “3”. Each smoke burst
lasts for 3 moves, with the die being turned back each move (to “2” and then
“1”. After “1” the DVD disk is removed). Smoke bursts drift according to the
prevailing wind at 6 inches per move. Smoke bursts are moved accordingly at the
beginning of each turn, before any other actions.
(e). If a “smoke DVD” is between
a firing unit and a unit being fired upon, the unit being fired upon counts as
if in “soft cover”. This is the case irrespective of the firing unit, whether
tank, big gun, infantry section or the like. The position of artillery
observers makes no difference to this rule.
(f). if two “smoke DVDs” are
between a firing unit and a unit being fired upon, the unit being fired upon
counts as if in “hard cover”. This is the case irrespective of the firing unit,
whether tank, big gun, infantry section or the like. The position of artillery
observers makes no difference to this rule.
10. Scenario Special Rule: Anglican/Allied Special Artillery
The Anglicans & Allies have a
stock of “special artillery ammunition” for this game, increasing the range of
the relevant “special” shell by (a
scale) 3 feet. With this limited number of shells, Anglican guns will
therefore be able to hit “anything on the table” (eg. the likely deployment of
each forces’ guns, the width of the River Wye at 2 feet, the 8ft table, and the
4ft artillery range with observer).
After the Anglicans have used a
“special shell” (represented by a plastic piece or appropriate card), however,
it must be handed over to HM Govt forces, who may “fire it back” in succeeding
turns as they wish, again turning over the card/shell representation to their
opponents when they do so.
“Special” shells may be combined
with “smoke” shells i.e. if a player wishes to fire a smoke shell over a very
long distance, they can do so by obeying this and the “smoke” rule.
Finally - “Umpire Surprises”
The Umpires have some “surprises”
up their sleeves, as usual. “Surprises” usually appear after lunch in a
desperate umpire sponsored attempt to “rebalance” the game (if, as usual, it
hasn’t quite worked out as they thought). Other “surprises” may be introduced
for specific Platoons, in which case the Umpire will let the relevant Platoon
player know by direct email in advance of the game, and tell the remaining
players at the appropriate point during the game.