Wednesday, 6 February 2019


Shobdon in "Strategic Context". This map can be used in conjunction
with this Map, that caption explaining the contending parties positions.

For the Government

(1). HMG C-in-C and Commander, Shobdon Court

Congratulations (we think)! You are the North West Regional Commander for Her Majesty’s Government (HMG), reporting directly to Major Everard, C-in-C County Forces, and to Lord de Braose, Lord Warden of the Marches. Your base is the spectacular Shobdon Court, where you and your junior officers have had the occasion, and indeed the honour, to dine with the Lord Warden in the past.

Shobdon was a quiet sector in Herefordshire’s VBCW, at least while HMG Forces besieged the Reds at Kington and other bases along the Welsh border. Of course, once those same siege lines collapsed so spectacularly (Autumn 2017 Big Game), it was only a short matter of time before the “Red Hordes” advanced upon Mortimer Country generally, and Wigmore in particular.

Thank goodness Sir Barrington Patchpole KC “threw in his lot” with HMG! The loyal Mortimer Militias, supported by Government forces, ensured that Wigmore was stoutly defended. The advancing Commies (from the west) and raiding Anglicans (from the east) were “properly seen off” (Spring 2018 Big Game) at Wigmore. Weren’t they?

You have now received very worrying reports that “the Red Horde” have defaulted southward in an attempt to flank Wigmore and head for Leominster or Hereford. This means - gulp - they’re heading directly for Shobdon. Worse, the Anglican raiders who attacked Wigmore have equally defaulted southward. Whether they seek to raid Shobdon, or just shadow “the ungodly Commies” themselves, is unknown to you. What is known to you is that the Anglicans are heading your way aswell!

You have a re-inforced Platoon at Shobdon Court, consisting of your own Platoon plus a section of infantry (9 Rifles, 1 LMG, raw), an unarmed “Command Car” and an Armoured Car (1 LMG, trained), all  as volunteered by the Automobile Association (Commander Camshaft, i/c) together with 2 new-fangled BUF “Tank Destroyers” (Armoured SP/AT Gun and LMG, 2 crew, trained). You can also call for “Air Support” by telephoning your junior at Shobdon Airfield, although whether he will actually have any to provide is unclear…..

Further, you can call for support from the Government Platoon situated at Shobdon Instructional Centre or any of Local Defence Volunteers situated in and around Shobdon Village. There are three Platoons of LDV, each of whom have looked very smart and loyal when inspected in the past by Lord de Braose. However, some tedious local issue appears to deeply divide the LDVs, and such local volunteers are notoriously unreliable when things get tough…….

Intelligence information suggests that Shobdon Court could shortly be attacked by up to three full Commie platoons from the west and could shortly be attacked by up to three full Anglican platoons from the east. At the same time? Crumbs!

In the event of attack, you must make sure that the highly valuable Government property at Shobdon Court does not fall into enemy hands, but is transported safely out of the area. Unfortunately, such is the state of Hereford’s road network (potholed as usual, but recently subject to continual brigandage) the only sensible way of preserving such property (6 x Locked Chests marked “Really Very Secret” plus 6 x Jeraboams of Lord de Braose’s personal stock of champagne) is to transport the same in trucks through Shobdon Village to Shobdon Airfield, and then have them flown back to Hereford.

You have three trucks volunteered by the Automobile Association for the purpose of transporting Government property. You can ask for any trucks from anyone else who has them, but your junior at Shobdon Airfield will have to arrange the necessary Transport Planes. Your staff have piled the locked chests and champagne jeraboams next to the AA trucks in anticipation of your orders. Time for you to get on the telephone…….Good luck!

(2). HMG Commander, Shobdon Airfield

Congratulations, sir! As one of the most able and “air-minded” of Major (LRO) Everard’s officer corps, you have been given command of the newly constructed Shobdon Airfield!

Your senior officer at Shobdon Court has just telephoned you with the latest intelligence briefing (see above). It looks as if things could get a little “sticky” before the day is over - the Red Horde look as if they’re getting too close for comfort!

Your senior officer wants some Transport Planes. He wants some Fighter/Bomber planes for air support. He wants you to make sure that Shobdon Airfield is neither overrun nor damaged by the Reds. He has warned you that he may even require your Platoon to march at short notice towards Shobdon Court, or “if those LDV blighters don’t play ball” to march into Shobdon Village and “give them a taste of discipline”.

Golly gosh! That’s a tall order! You’ve got nothing on the airfield at the moment other than your own “Defence Platoon” plus an extra BUF Armoured Car (trained, 1 LMG), and your standing orders from Major Everard personally are to ensure that the Airfield “does not fall into enemy hands - at any cost!”

You better get on “the blower” to the main airfield at Hereford Racecourse. God knows when they can get any Transport Planes to you, and as for fighter/bombers, well, you might need them yourself to defend the Airfield…….

What’s this? A message from the Shobdon Instructional Centre?

(3). HMG Commander, Shobdon Instructional Centre

Congratulations, sir! As one of the most able and “security-minded” of Major (LRO) Everard’s officer corps, you have been given command of the Shobdon Instructional Centre!

You have three VIP prisoners held within the Instructional Centre, plus a Section of (rather fanatical and teutonically uniformed, it must be said) Camp Guards (trained, 9 Rifles, 1 SMG) and a BUF Armoured Car (trained 1 LMG). You also have your own Platoon to defend the Instructional Centre from outside attack.

Your senior officer at Shobdon Court has just telephoned you with the latest intelligence briefing (see above). It looks as if things could get a little “sticky” before the day is over - those “Anglican Raiders” look as if they’re getting too close for comfort!

Your standing orders from Major (LRO) Everard personally are to ensure that none of the three VIP prisoners falls into enemy hands - at any cost. Your senior officer at Shobdon Court has authorised you to “use your initiative” in the event of attack. However, he has also warned you that he may require your Platoon to march at short notice towards Shobdon Court, or “if those LDV blighters don’t play ball” to march into Shobdon Village and “give them a taste of discipline”.

Golly gosh! You could be in a fix! Such is the state of Hereford’s road network (potholed as usual, but recently subject to continual brigandage) that the only sensible way of moving your VIP prisoners (if you want to) is to transport the same in trucks through Shobdon Village to Shobdon Airfield, and then have them flown back to Hereford. And you might need some fighter/bomber air support to get them through the Village….

If he can, your fellow commander at Shobdon Airfield will also have to arrange the necessary transport planes. You have three BUF trucks on stand-by at Shobdon Instructional Centre in order to get the prisoners to the Airfield….time to get on “the blower” to that chappie at Shobdon Airfield! I say!

And Against the Government….

(1). “Red Horde” Command

The “Red Horde” consists of up to three full Platoons of Communists/Socialists/Anti-Fascists/Welsh Nationalists, etc.





(2). Anglican Command

The “Anglican Command” consists of up to three full Platoons of Anglicans.

Letter delivered by Messenger from Bishops’ Conference to Local Commander

“…..after morning prayers, would you be kind enough to lead the chaps on a swan around Shobdon? It would be jolly helpful, you know, if you could release those poor wretches held in the Shobdon Instructional Centre, or capture the Government’s North Western Regional Command Post at Shobdon Court. We hear there are some very valuable items there, things that the Government wouldn’t want us to get our hands on. Of course, capturing Shobdon Airfield would be just so wonderful, don’t you think? Put a bit of a spoke in Everard’s wheel? We’re glad we’ve got an experienced chap like you on the ground, so use your discretion, won’t you? We hear the “Bateman Claimants” in Shobdon Village each have an LDV at their disposal, so you could always have a little chat with one or more of them. See if they’d like to “see the light”, much like our own Paul on the Road to Damascus? Of course, we really can’t trust that Red Ogre, Winters, anymore. Not after he broke our long standing alliance so spectacularly (Autumn 2017 Big Game). And we can’t really trust the Government commanders, either; not while they hold the dear Bishop of Hereford in captivity. But if a suitable offer should come along from either - or even any of their junior commanders - well, we’re sure that the Almighty will guide you. Just remember- our Christianity must always be muscular, but it can sometimes be supple. Yours in God, old chap….

And the Locals….

Mr Jones, Shobdon LDV No.1

You are the only true Bateman Claimant! The others are frauds, damned frauds! By the end of this day, it is you who will be holding the Bateman Standard of your father and forefathers, and to hell with the other two! You’ve got your LDV Platoon of stout chaps, and your own Pillbox, even your own Truck! Hurrah! Now that the Reds and the Anglicans are attacking the Government here at Shobdon, well, it’s the perfect time to make your play! All you’ve got to do is decide which faction will best serve your interests - the Reds, the Christians or the Government - and grab the flag. Or perhaps, if the other two acknowledge you as the only true Bateman Claimant and give you the flag, there’s still time for all the LDVs to come together as in the old days? I mean, the really old days, where a bit of self protection and highway robbery was never missed? If you can’t prove your title, perhaps you could stay safe and get rich?

Mr Grace, Shobdon LDV No.2

You are the only true Bateman Claimant! The others are frauds, damned frauds! By the end of this day, it is you who will be holding the Bateman Standard of your father and forefathers, and to hell with the other two! You’ve got your LDV Platoon of stout chaps, and your own Pillbox, even your own Truck! Hurrah! Now that the Reds and the Anglicans are attacking the Government here at Shobdon, well, it’s the perfect time to make your play! All you’ve got to do is decide which faction will best serve your interests - the Reds, the Christians or the Government - and grab the flag. Or perhaps, if the other two acknowledge you as the only true Bateman Claimant and give you the flag, there’s still time for all the LDVs to come together as in the old days? I mean, the really old days, where a bit of self protection and highway robbery was never missed? If you can’t prove your title, perhaps you could stay safe and get rich?

Mr Hodges, Shobdon LDV No.3

You are the only true Bateman Claimant! The others are frauds, damned frauds! By the end of this day, it is you who will be holding the Bateman Standard of your father and forefathers, and to hell with the other two! You’ve got your LDV Platoon of stout chaps, and your own Pillbox, even your own Truck! Hurrah! Now that the Reds and the Anglicans are attacking the Government here at Shobdon, well, it’s the perfect time to make your play! All you’ve got to do is decide which faction will best serve your interests - the Reds, the Christians or the Government - and grab the flag. Or perhaps, if the other two acknowledge you as the only true Bateman Claimant and give you the flag, there’s still time for all the LDVs to come together as in the old days? I mean, the really old days, where a bit of self protection and highway robbery was never missed? If you can’t prove your title, perhaps you could stay safe and get rich?

And the Supporting Cast….

Non-Aligned “Explosive Pacifists”

Primula and I have had quite enough! The world shall indeed know of the Misses Cholmondely-Warner! The pure reason of self-immolating pacifism and the voice of the Anti - Testosterone League will be heard in Herefordshire! The Provisional Wing of the People of Peace (myself and Primula, and Scamp, of course, such a dear doggie) shall take our place in the middle of Shobdon and demand that THIS WAR SHALL CEASE! OR ELSE! (Primula’s so clever with wiring and explosives, you know. I’ve always been more fond of Goethe, myself). And if these NAUGHTY BOYS don’t go home AT ONCE, well, I’m sure they’ll have to re-write the nursery rhyme….which one, dear?.....why, Bo-Peep, of course….WHAT DO WE WANT! STOP THE WAR! WHEN DO WE WANT IT? NOW! NOW OR ELSE!

The Mommets

Ahar, Mommets be waiting. That we be. Waiting, ahar. We be waiting, see? For them that don’t be local. For them that don’t be fair. That be right. Not local. Not fair, see? Pass that zider, now. See, we be waiting, ahar, that be right. 

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