Wednesday 10 February 2021


As the armoured cars of Storm Leader Reckless' Reconnaissance Troop cross the "County line" into Herefordshire, he knows he can rely upon some 'heavy support" of his own:

Westward Ho! Storm Leader Reckless leads his armoured cars forward..

A Recce Troop Light Tank brings up the rear of the party.....

..motoring forward into the void...

Although of unknown manufacture, this is a type of light tank previously seen in the Hereford VBCW, a favourite weapon of Spode's Blackshorts:

Spode's Light Tank rumbles forward at the County Golf Challenge (courtesy JP)

Lacking Spode's experience, Storm Leader Reckless' light tank checks and pivots right, alert to hidden AT guns and suspicious of an imagined movement:

Pivot right, traverse right....the tank's mighty 2pdr main armament on alert...

...the pivot revealing the BUF Group insignia of the "Mailed Fist"... 

A hasty riffle through "The Observer Book of BUF Signs & Insignia" reveals (as every schoolboy knows) that Storm Leader Reckless' Reconnaissance Group are merely the advance party of the dreaded "Mailed Fist Battlegroup", recruited largely from Central and East London, reputed to be some of Mosley's best equipped troops. What more is to come down the Tewkesbury to Ledbury road?


(1). The Light Tank was bought a long time ago, and used to be manufactured by "PMC" and sold very cheaply on Ebay, just when VBCW gaming was becoming very popular. PMC ceased production some time ago, and the VBCW range of equipment is now produced and distributed by Minifigs/Caliver Books

(2). The fate of the Blackshorts at the County Golf Challenge Cup can be found under the label (to the right) "Spring Big Game 2017".

(3). The Light Tank bears a reasonable resemblance to the historical Vickers 6 ton tank, a private venture by Vickers not purchased by the British Army, but licensed to the Soviets at the T-26 and further developed by the Poles. Here is the (more colourful) exhibit at the Bovington Tank Museum:

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