Sunday 21 August 2022


As was noted early on in this 28mm VBCW Naval thread, "...the invariable rule of all wargames that someone, somewhere has done it before you...." And for "28mm semi-scale" VBCW fleets, that man is undoubtedly Mr Tim Rose (storms of applause).

Here is the Aircraft Carrier Battlegroup assembled by Tim (and other members of the VBCF, Ewan and Tadportly) for a display game ("Damn the Torpedoes!") at Salute 2017:

The "Home Fleet" at anchor, subject to attack by torpedo boats.
The aircraft are 1/72 scale (I think, but possibly 1/48) -
 the 28mm sailor figures definitely First Corps.

The "Captains Courageous" manoeuvre. Note variety of 1/72 landing craft bobbing 
about between the capital ships.

The flight deck of the carrier, HMS Eagle, with battleships in the background.

A close up of the flightdeck. Chaos developing in the background!

Battleships, landing craft, aircraft carrier, miniature submarine -
with a larger submarine "just about to surface".

The carrier and battleships at anchor - their respective lengths are "about right".
As with the Rapid Fire blogposts (passim), nitpickers will still complain about the
 relationship between the realistic 1/72 scale aircraft and the "cartoon scale" aircraft
 carrier upon which they sit (and may take off or land)!

A closer view of the battleships. Old hands will spot bits from the vintage 1/72 Airfix "Gun Emplacement" and "Coastal Defence Force" sets (e.g. big guns & radar/range finders).  The funnels and masts look scratchbuilt.

A birds eye view of the battleships. Each is a unique design - some have "closed" command bridges,
others "open" command bridges allowing placement of senior command staff. The 28mm
figures in the photo above show the comparative size of the ships..

According to a forum post by Tim Rose, all of these ships were "old toys picked up at car boot sales" at a remarkably low price (up to £3!) and then converted in various ways. The hull of the carrier was another plastic toy, with the flightdeck (presumably wood of some type) added on top. For those averse to scratchbuilding entire VBCW fleets, this 2017 Salute display game has to count as a solid pointer towards quick progress - and a welcome relief!

Note: for those interested in researching further, there is a good thread on LAF about this wargame, with links to other forums hosting further pictures. See HERE. All the above pictures from Tim Rose, Ewan and/or Tadportly.

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