Comrade Colonel Professor Winter's hasty advance from Leominster to the (ironically named, as it turned out) village of Hope under Dinmore, disdaining the "debauched capitalist distraction" of the Cadbury's Chocolate Factory at Marlbrook in the hope of breaking through the "Dinmore Hill Line" and capturing Hereford, has entered VBCW legend as the "Disaster at Dinmore".
Quite why the "Disaster at Dinmore" took place is still a matter of debate. Contemporaneous military commentators in Fleet Street (Messrs. Featherstone and Scruby, etc.) pointed to Winter's lack of heavy weaponry and, critically, lack of training of his raw Communist levies. Others claimed that Winter's adoption of a "high line" - including the village of Hope under Dinmore itself - was the key tactical factor. The consensus of opinion, however, identifies the preparations of Major (as he then was) Everard, C-in-C Government Forces, as critical. In a manoeuvre reminiscent of the Great Duke's tactics of the "reverse slope", Everard had concealed a decisive build up of HMG military might behind the Dinmore Hill Line : his own well trained Royalists, a second Royalist Platoon heavy in armour, and an additional well - trained BUF Platoon including cavalry. All were led by highly experienced and, as it turned out, extremely aggressive commanders. With Winter's Communists surprised, outnumbered and outgunned, the result was a gift to Government war photographers:
The outskirts of Hope - under - Dinmore, hastily garrisoned by the Communists. Royalist infantry and armour move forward from the woods. |
On the left flank, a powerful advance guard of BUF Cavalry (the "Ironhooves") support a tankette |
On the right flank, Senior Cadet Macken-Chees's "OFSTED" tank leads off the Hereford Auxiliary Reserve Division ("H.A.R.D.") and the (Literally) Blue Division |
Communist troops in Hope under Dinmore, supported by a mortar. |
More Communists in Hope under Dinmore, preparing to fortify a house. Great store is placed by Winters in a "surprise weapon" fashioned out of a captured Cadbury's tanker convoy, foreground. |
The captured Cadbury's tanker convoy, Winters and his HQ in the foreground left. What can he be planning? |
Perhaps a "holding action" in Hope under Dinmore, followed by a tactical retirement to a 'second line' centred on a concealed AT gun (with tows)? |
Another view of the AT gun and tows. |
Left flank of the Communist "second defence line". A light tank lies in wait. |
Right flank of the Communist 'second defence line' - another light tank, riflemen and mortar. |
Royalists right flank Hope under Dinmore, OFSTED tank in the lead. |
Major (as he then was) Everard (khaki helmet, red bandana, waving pistol) organises his troops. A second Government tank moves forward. |
Boomps a daisy! Yet another Government tank crashes over the church fence into Hope under Dinmore. Royalist sailors and infantry in support. |
Comrade Colonel Professor Winter's HQ is being outflanked. His Platoon takes cover... |
Time to use the 'wonder weapon' ? BUF infantry advance towards the stolen Cadbury's tanker... |
 | the BUF "Iron Hooves" canter forward in support.... |
Winter's stolen Cadbury's Tanker explodes, splattering molten "chocolate crumb" across the roadway. But disaster! The BUF Infantry are past, and the Ironhooves evade without loss. |
Royalist armour sweeps through Hope under Dinmore, crushing all Communist resistance..... |
With his forces crushed in the centre and flanked both left and right, it was time for Comrade Winter to formulate a new, and infinitely cunning, battleplan:
.gif) |
Beep, beep! Winter's inspiration for his next moves... |
See how the reactionaries use the mechanized forces of capitalism to oppress the right and just cause of the workers! When will they see that they only fight, to keep the chains about their necks! Break Free comrades! And turn on your bosses, bullies and kings! (Getting harder to spin these, retrograde victories to the public)
ReplyDelete"Retrograde victory" - love it, Commissar. Adopted for the second instalment of the Dinmore Battle Report - with thanks!