Monday, 13 May 2024


The relationship between the Spanish Civil War and the Very British Civil War, as previously noted, is somewhat hazy; one thing that is certain, however, is that just as the Spanish Civil War was winding down (it officially ended in the Spring of 1939), the Very British Civil War was heating up. Hence, it's no surprise that a variety of battle-hardened "advisers" made their way from Spain to Herefordshire, including this stern-looking "Spanish Soviet" officer:

Very nicely painted Bolt Action Soviet Adviser.
Ideal for the Presteigne or Kington Communist Fronts.

Strangely, notwithstanding the chaotic and deadly nature of the fighting in Herefordshire, Soviet "advisers" may have thought a transfer "in County" from Spain to be some form of life-saver. The record of Communist military advisers recalled from the Spanish Civil War direct to Moscow was not a happy one, as illustrated by the well-known Vladimir Copic (see full Wiki bio HERE):

Vladimir Copic. A prominent Yugoslav Communist and famous (or notorious)
Republican Commander and Commissar of the XVth International Brigade
during the Spanish Civil War. After the Battles of Jarama and Belchite, recalled
to Moscow, denounced and imprisoned as a Trotskyite deviationist, then shot by
the NKVD in April 1939. For earlier purges of prominente, see HERE.

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A similar fate befell Manfred Stern, aka General Kleber, the "Saviour of Madrid".
Recalled to Moscow, he was tried, condemned and sentenced to fifteen years
hard labour in May 1939. The remainder of his life was spent in the Gulag.
He died of exhaustion in February 1954. See his WIKI HERE

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