Thursday 10 October 2024


Actually, we mean "the Additional Rules", or "the Scenario Specific Rules". These are the special rules for this particular Big Game, inapplicable otherwise - for after a very lengthy period of thought and good intentions unfulfilled, the Umpires have actually produced a new version of the "Went the Day Well Rules" - updated, clarified, slimmed down and simplified, cross-referenced, indexed etc etc - appropriately known (for a famous cider County) as "WTDW - the Herefordshire Homebrew Variant".

All players have been emailed a copy of "WTDW - the Herefordshire Homebrew Variant" and should bring along a printed off copy for use in the Big Game. No other versions of WTDW will be allowed !!!

So here are the additional, scenario specific, rules (the Scenario explains the background - see HERE):

1. Farmers Sections - Agricultural Workers - Capturing a Farm

1.1.    Six sections of Agricultural Workers (9 Rifles, 1 LMG) distributed 1 Section per Farm and placed by the Umpires within the perimeter of "their Farm" at the start of the Big Game.

1.2.   At the start of the Big Game, Agricultural Workers "stand on the defensive" and are within Umpire Control.

1.3.  From the start of Turn Two of the Big Game (and in each succeeding turn), a section of Agricultural Workers may be controlled by the Player playing the highest card and nominating the relevant section to be under his control. That section of Agricultural Workers then move and shoot (or perform any other actions) under the command of such Player for the relevant turn.

1.4.    Each "Big Table" should have three Farms, and thus three sections of Agricultural Workers. A Player with the three Highest Cards that turn (lucky chap!) may choose to nominate each of the three relevant sections to be under his control for that turn. If he does not exercise that right, sections "not under command" that turn may be controlled (by nomination) by the Player with the next highest card, and so on.

1.5.    Players using a card (or cards) to control Agricultural Workers may not use the same card for any other purpose that Turn.

1.6.    A Farm is considered "captured" by a Player when the number of his troops within the perimeter of the Farm outnumber the remaining relevant Agricultural Workers within the perimeter of the Farm. In case of doubt, consult the Umpires.

1.7.    A Farm may "change hands" during the course of the Big Game, i.e. a captured Farm may be "recaptured" by an opposing Player.

1.8.   Card control (as per Rule 1.3) of the relevant section of Agricultural Workers continues notwithstanding the "capture" of their Farm. If an opposing player draws a high card and chooses to use it to control an Agricultural Section of a "captured" farm (to, say, shoot at or melee with the "captor's troops"), that is quite permissible - a "revolt" of agricultural workers is then considered to be under way.

1.9.    While within the perimeter of their own farm, all Agricultural Workers are immune from morale tests. They are determined to "fight and die for their home" and while within the perimeter of the Farm count as "Trained/Regular" for all other purposes. Should the Agricultural Workers be moved out of the perimeter of their own Farm, however, they count as "Raw/Green" for all purposes, including morale.

1.10.    Once a player is in control of a Farm, he may "invite ladies to tea" within its perimeter. See Section 6 ("The Ladies !") below. Note particularly Rule 6.9 !!

2. Random Formed Female Forces - General

2.1.    An unknown number of "female sections" (9 Rifles, 1 LMG) are "rambling around" the Big Table at the start of the Big Game. The Umpires place the "female sections" randomly on the Big Table and will point them out to the Players.

2.2.  At the start of the Big Game, "female sections" stand on the defensive and are under Umpire Control.

2.3.    From the start of Turn Two of the Big Game (and in each succeeding turn), "female sections" are subject to "Player Card Control" - see Rule 1.3 above. Rule 1.5 equally applies, as appropriate.

2.4.    Most "female sections" will be considered "Raw/Green" for all purposes, including morale. Some "female sections" may have particular (and particularly eccentric) traits, i.e. all Nuns are immune to morale tests (because they're Psycho Nuns), Lady de Braose's Ninja Crumpet Death Squad will never take orders from Communists (because they are sworn to execute Comrade Colonel Professor Winters and all who stand in the way of their mission), etc. etc. Any such peculiarities will be explained by the Umpire at the start of the Big Game.

3. Random Formed Female Forces - Bordels de Campagne

3.1.    Each "Big Table" will have a randomly placed "Bordel de Campagne" (Alan's "enthusiastic gels" have recently increased in number, thus allowing a "Bordel" on each Table).

3.2.   Each "Bordel" (and all of its 'crew') is unarmed. Nevertheless, as we shall see, they are not without resources.

3.3.   At the start of the Big Game, each "Bordel" stands on the defensive and is under Umpire Control. From the start of Turn Two of the Big Game (and in each succeeding turn), each Bordel is subject to "Player Card Control" - see Rule 1.3 above. Rule 1.5 equally applies, as appropriate.

3.4.  The "crew" of each Bordel is (of course!) considered as "Trained/Professional" for all purposes, including morale.

3.5.   Although unarmed, a Bordel may launch a "Vortex of Seduction" attack against one Section (or one Element, ie. a tank or support weapon) once per turn - count as a "firing action".

3.6.   The range of a "Vortex of Seduction" attack is 15 inches, measured from the centre point of the Bordel's transport vehicle. A nominated target section (or any part thereof) within range is considered to have become "completely distracted from proper military duties" by the female wiles and seductive powers of the Bordel's crew, and is therefore:

(a). unable to move, fire or perform any other action voluntarily that turn; and instead is

(b). moved by compulsion 6 inches towards the centre point of the Bordel's transport vehicle.

3.7.   Troops subject to the "Vortex of Seduction" may be fired upon by other troops not so subject. Troops subject to the "Vortex of Seduction" may be charged or forced in to melee by other troops not so subject, in which event they surrender and/or are considered captured without a fight.

3.8.    Troops subject to the "Vortex of Seduction" for two (or more) turns may throw a D6 at the start of each succeeding turn. 1 - 3 the troops remain subject to the "Vortex of Seduction", 4 - 6 the troops are able to move and fire normally again, and can no longer be subject to a "Vortex of Seduction" attack for the rest of the Big Game. We can leave you to work out the factual justification for that...

4. The Fenian Mad Bommerz

4.1.    Each Big Table has three "Mad Bommerz", distributed randomly by the Umpires.

4.2.   At the start of the Big Game, "Mad Bommerz" stand on the defensive (probably hiding out in the undergrowth, or behind bushes) and are under Umpire Control.

4.3.    From the start of Turn Two of the Big Game (and in each succeeding turn), "Mad Bommerz" are subject to "Player Card Control" - see Rule 1.3 above. Rule 1.5 equally applies, as appropriate.

4.4.    "Mad Bommerz" move as infantry, do not take morale tests (because they are completely nuts), and are unarmed - apart from the considerable stock of highly unstable explosives stashed around their person.

4.5.    A play in control of a "Mad Bommer" may choose to detonate his explosives (counts as a shoot action). For the consequences of such explosion, place a Big Gun Artillery Template centred on the "Mad Bommer" and proceed as per artillery fire.

4.6.    No "Mad Bommer" has been known to survive post-explosion. Remove figure from play after any such explosion.

5. The Handley Page Heyford

5.1.    The Handley Page Heyford has been forced down into "Long Field" by engine trouble. The Fallschirmjager and RAF crew have formed a defensive perimeter around it, as placed by the Umpires at the start of the Big Game.

5.2.    The Handley Page Heyford has 1 x LMG in its nose, and 1 x LMG in a "bin" turret underneath the fuselage, covering the entrance/exit to the plane. Neither LMG benefits from any kind of armour protection. The nose LMG has 180 degrees of fire, the "bin" LMG has 360 degrees of fire.

5.3.    The Handley Page Heyford is controlled by the Umpires (or their nominee) at all times.

5.4.    The Handley Page Heyford dices (2D6) at the start of e6ach turn. Any score of 10 or above allows the Handley Page Heyford to take off on the following turn. The RAF mechanics must have fixed the engines just in time...

6. The Ladies !

6.1.   The Ladies (individually based, acting on their own - not "Female Formed Sections") are scattered over the table randomly by the Umpires at the start of the Big Game.

6.2.   The Ladies do not move during the course of the Big Game, nor are they controlled by anybody. In terms of movement, they are the very definition of passivity.

6.3.    A player may "invite a lady to tea" by moving any of his figures into base to base contact with "a Lady".

6.4.    Some Ladies are unarmed, some have hand weapons only (including handbags, umbrellas, etc.), others are armed. Check the figure - its WYSIWYG time!

6.5.    Unarmed Ladies cannot refuse "an invitation to tea"

6.6.    Ladies armed with hand weapons only can refuse an "invitation to tea". The relevant player "dices off" with the Lady (rope in an Umpire or an opposing player to throw "the Lady's die"). If "the Lady" loses the "dice off", she accepts the "invitation to tea". Drawn throws are re-rolled. If, however, "the Lady" wins the "dice off", she is considered to have beaten the relevant player's figure about the head with her handbag, or rolling pin, or whatever, screaming "You won't keep Stokkies from me ! Let me go, rough villain !". The relevant player's figure is then automatically moved 6 inches away from the Lady in any direction (player's choice, and irrespective of whether he has previously used up his movement allowance for that turn). 

6.7.    Ladies armed with firearms can refuse an "invitation to tea". The relevant player "dices off" with the Lady (rope in an Umpire, etc. etc.). If "the Lady" loses the dice off, she accepts the "invitation to tea". Drawn throws are re-rolled. If, however, "the Lady" wins the "dice off", she is considered to have drawn, cocked and fired her shotgun (or Webley, or mini-gun, or whatever) whilst shouting "The impudence! At least Stokkies is a gentleman! I'll teach you!) - thereby blowing away the relevant player's figure. Golly, some of these gels are downright dangerous! The relevant player's figure is instantly removed from the Big Game.

6.8.  Ladies successfully "invited to tea" are instantly zapped back to the Farm controlled by the relevant player. The "capturing figure" remains in place. We know this isn't very realistic, but it saves a (usually) long and disconcerting "tramp back to the Farm" for the Lady and "the captor", solves problems with unit contiguity, etc. etc. Place "the Lady" next to the Farm's "Big Man" (no doubt very welcoming). Ladies do not move or fire thereafter - they are considered simply to be "taking tea".

6.9.    In the event that another Player captures the Farm, he "takes custody" of all "Ladies" already within it. No doubt the Ladies appreciate someone new to gossip about over their tea.....

6.10.    There is one exception to the "instantly zapped back to the Farm rule" as per Rule 6.8 above. Instead of the Farm, a player can choose to have the Lady "instantly zapped" to his HQ in the field, taking up position next to his Platoon Commander. If a player chooses to do this, the Platoon Commander and his HQ Section lose 4 inches of movement in each succeeding turn, and all members of the HQ Section's morale declines by 1 for all purposes. This rule allows players who have "lost out on bagging a Farm" some scope to secure a Vote (or two!) at the end of the Big Game, but also reflects the negative effect of a female(s) on the warlike capability of Platoon HQ....

6.11.  IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL PLAYERS. Ladies may be killed accidentally, i.e. by unexpected movement of artillery or mortar templates. It is, however, considered MOST UNBRITISH for any Player intentionally to kill, or attempt to kill, a Lady - in fact, POSITIVELY CADDISH. Any player considering such a scheme should know that the Umpires have at their disposal considerable off-table forces, including (but not limited to) the South Herefordshire Hunt and the Police Lancers, and VENGEANCE WILL BE SWIFT AND CERTAIN. P.S This warning obviously does not apply to "Female Formed Sections" as per Section 2, for if you don't shoot at them, they'll most certainly shoot at you....

7. Alliances

7.1.    Alliances between players (both the making and unmaking thereof) is positively encouraged. There are no rules for alliances, which may be made (or unmade) informally between players during the course of the Big Game. Quite how much you should trust any such "ally" is, of course, a matter for you......

8. The Vote !

8.1.    There will be a public vote at the end of the Big Game as per the Scenario (see last blogpost). Players vote by placing their "tea party" Ladies in one of two columns (a large piece of paper will be provided) - YEA to set Stokkies free, and NAY to foil his escape attempt. Players may "split their tea party", positioning some ladies to vote YEA, and some to vote NAY, if they so wish. The total number of votes will then be counted and the SEISMIC RESULT declared.....




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