Monday, 2 October 2023


A Very Irish "Intelligence Section" for the Autumn Big Game 2023 - here is Eamonn O'Toole O'Toole of the O'Toole's, known as "The O'Toole" to his friends and "Mad Multi-Toole" to a variety of counter-intelligence bureaus in Herefordshire (and beyond):

Eamonn O'Toole (etc.) and his "Mad Bommerz" Intelligence Section

"The O'Toole" (with stylish bowler in Fenian green) is a Eureka figure, while the "Mad Bommerz" (covered in grenades, with large shell and bundled dynamite on every base) are OOP Faust Studios figures. Determined generally to create the occasional "Fenian Outrage" in war-torn Herefordshire, O'Toole's men can on this occasion be used as an "Intelligence Section" by any player bringing along an "Irish Legion" to Little Hereford (hello, John....)

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