Monday, 30 January 2023


     Being an occasional series on converting the classic convention game, "Pony Wars", to a VBCW variant...

It's a while since we looked at "Peony Wars", the proposed Hereford VBCW variant of the classic "Pony Wars" system as republished by Pete Berry of Baccus Miniatures, and it might be while yet until we've even got a semblance of the number of figures needed to play...

Still, now that Miss Smythe of the Ludlow VBCW Research Centre has discovered "this YouTube thingy" and gone all multi-media, here are a couple of entertaining YouTube videos of Pony Wars games "in action", run by a friendly bunch of Maryland colonials d'un certain age ("Bill's History & Wargame World"): LINK HERE for a first game and LINK HERE AGAIN for the second game. Inspiration for Terrain Tsars and anyone wanting a good view of this classic 15mm convention game....

2 sections  - or 20 figures - of Presteigne Communist Cavalry, who take the place
of "Red Indians" as Pony Wars is converted to Peony Wars. Perry ACW Cavalry
converted with PSC & Warlord plastic WW2 Soviet heads.

Only 280 more Communist Cavalry to go!

PS. It's well worth rummaging around Bill's History & Wargame World, e.g there's a very lovely Rorke's Drift game in 54mm toy soldier style in a number of parts, starting HERE

PPS. Pete Berry's YouTube Introduction to the re-published Pony Wars rules is ALSO HERE

Saturday, 28 January 2023


In the summer of 1938, George S. Patton was a little known and deeply frustrated Colonel in the United States Army, commanding the 5th Cavalry Regiment at Fort Clark, Texas. While Patton was convinced of his own "unconventional" ideas on armoured warfare, Fort Clark was "the army's ultimate backwater, a place where old cavalry soldiers were sent to finish out their careers in peace and quiet" (D'Este, p366). 

Or so Patton's regular biographers (including the best of them, Carlo D'Este's "Patton - A Genius for War") would have it. While D'Este does record the powerful influence upon Patton of General Sir Edmund Allenby, Liberator of Jerusalem, whom he had met during the First World War:

"....Allenby had told Patton that 'for every Napoleon, Alexander, and Jesus Christ that made roles of [sic] history, there were several born. Only the lucky ones made it to the summit. He felt that in every age and time, men were born ready to serve their country and their God, but sometimes were not needed; you had to be at the right place at the right time - you had to be lucky...."

and acknowledges the depression and even despair Patton felt in 1938 at the prospect of not being involved in a major war during his active career, astonishingly to some - and notwithstanding recently discovered  (if somewhat grainy) photographic evidence - there is no mention of George S. Patton's involvement in the Hereford VBCW:

'General' George S. Patton on the road from Bromyard to Leominster, 1938 - an "Armoured Legend"

Whether Patton's presence in Herefordshire during 1938 was as a formal USA attache with the permission of General Marshall, or merely a spot of "officially unathorised leave" from his role with the 5th Cavalry, may still be a matter of academic argument. What is certain, however, is that Patton moved from a position of "observer" to "combatant" very quickly after his arrival "in County", and then reportedly with great relish - obtaining a tank from the well known VBCW "military suppliers to the gentry", Trumper and Shellgrove of New Bond Street (hence, a "TraSh Tank"), and promoting himself to "General" immediately.

As an American, Patton was obliged to retain a formal independence from any of the contending factions. However, it was always clear that Patton could never fight with the Royalists nor Albertines ("ain't no goddam patriotic American ever fought for an English King"), nor the BUF ("goddam Nazis"), and his views on the Russian backed Presteigne Communist Front were pretty much unprintable (but here goes anyway):

Slightly by default, therefore, the God-fearing Patton's usual role within the Herefordshire VBCW was as an ally of the Anglicans, and even more so as a "Senior Armoured Adviser" to the newly founded Independent Democratic Republic of Bromyard ("Goddam politics. Well, they got Democrats, see, and Republicans. Just like back in Washington, yessir..."). It is reported that Patton formed a particular friendship with Sir Alan McGuffin, Chairman of the Herefordshire Golf Club and enthusiastic proponent of the Bromyard Armoured Brigade, even finding time to learn the rudiments of golf in Sir Alan's company.

Why then has Patton's experience in the Herefordshire VBCW clearly been covered up? A favoured explanation is that Patton's subsequent rise to prominence - as a result of the Tennesee, Louisana and Carolina Armoured Manoeuvres of 1941 - had to be patriotically portrayed as a product of American genius, rather than accepted as part of Patton's experience of armoured warfare during the Hereford VBCW (and heavy borrowing from the armoured theories of the Very British Sir Alan McGuffin):

Patton during the 1941 Armoured Manoeuvres

The U.S. Army Publicity Machine gears up in Life Magazine, July 1941.
There is no mention of the Herefordshire VBCW within the article on Patton.

Thankfully, future posts on this blog will detail Patton's experiences in the VBCW, and thereby explode the many decades old conspiracy of silence:

Note: General George S. Patton and his "Trash" Tank constitute Umpire Clive's entry for the Modelling Challenge 2022 ("Armoured Legends") and is therefore playable as a "Free Umpire Bonus" at the Spring Big Game 2023!


A sad post to record the passing on Friday of Sylvia Syms, the luminous actress best known for her role as nurse Diana Murdoch in "Ice Cold in Alex" (1958):

Sylvia Syms (1934 - 2023)

"Ice Cold in Alex" is one of a very select group of movies - including such greats as "Colditz", "Went the Day Well", "The Dam Busters", "Mrs Miniver", "Brief Encounter", "633 Squadron" etc. - that must not only count as most VBCW wargamers' favourites, but also - with a cast including John Mills and Harry Andrews - as the quintessence of Very Britishness. 

LtoR Harry Andrews, Anthony Quayle, Sylvia Syms, John Mills - "Ice Cold in Alex".


Wednesday, 25 January 2023


We interrupt our flow of really important posts relating to the Spring Big Game 2023 in order to gladden the heart of Campaign Co-Ordinator/Terrain Tsar (and hopeless Perry Brothers fanboy), Umpire Roo. And our wider global audience too, of course....

Anyway, here's the EPIC GAME ROOM Link : a virtual tour of the Perry Brothers own wargames room! Lots of beautifully painted 28mm figures and terrain, plus Americans confused by Ye Olde English Pubs! Enjoy!

PS. Long term followers of the Hereford1938 VBCW Blog will know that we enjoy occasionally hunting down "free but quality" wargame resources on the web (usually old wargame magazine collections) - all gathered together under the "Library" label to the right. Being stuck in 1938, all the resources so far have been on paper - but now there is this YouTube thingy. The Perry Brothers Wargames Room link is part of the Little Wars TV Channel, which hosts a huge variety of free programmes about all sorts of wargames and wargame topics, and is well worth a browse (and you can always join the 65,000 other wargamers who subscribe). So we're filing this under "Library" and are on the hunt for other useful YouTube Channels to recommend (please leave a comment if you already have a favourite). Miss Smythe, the long serving Librarian of the Ludlow VBCW Research Archive, has now been promoted to "Curator" and gone all multi-media....

Miss Smythe - who appeared in the famous "Hotel Paradise" during the late 1930s
under the stage name "Ruth Reid", before joining the Ludlow VBCW
 Research Archive post war, has now gone all multi-media.
Carreras Cigarette Card, photo Murray Korman.

Tuesday, 24 January 2023


We're a long way from Hereford 1938, Dorothy.....but anyone with an interest in the African Wars of the 1960s - 1990s or the Middle East Wars from the 1970s to the present (or indeed anyone with a passing interest and a television) will be only too aware of that favourite "warlord military vehicle" - the "Technical".

A typical "Technical" - Toyota with AA weapon.

Strictly, a "Technical" is a "type of improvised fighting vehicle, typically a civilian or military non-combat vehicle, modified to provide an offensive capability similar to a military gun truck". Apparently "Technicals" obtained their name as a euphemism - unable to fund the purchase of offensive weaponry, Western Nations (or others in a similar PR bind) provided "Technical Assistance Grants" instead, which were promptly re-cycled into the purchase (notoriously) of that most reliable of gun carriages, the Toyota Hilux:

Spoof advert for the Toyota Hilux

But of course, as with so many military innovations, "the Technical" originated in the Hereford VBCW. The only valid historical argument is which faction thought of the idea first:

"Technicals" produced by the Presteigne Motor Works ("PMW 1.5 ton trucks")
with Oerlikon 20mm conversions. Part of the new "Shock Armies" raised by Comrade Colonel Professor Winters, with more PMW conversions on the way, including HMGs and AT Cannon.
(Troops - 28mm Plastic Soldier Company Soviets)

Herefordshire Police "Technicals" in the background - Rolls Royces
with 20mm Vickers Naval pom-poms. (Police Infantry Section in foreground,
Lledo plastics; Rolls Royces Lledo, drivers/gunners Redoubt Colonial British)

And so on to the Modelling Challenge 2023 - and yes, this time, it's "build a fully crewed and armed Technical" (or two)!

Now, it's impossible to go "cheap plastic tank/boat/plane/toy soldier" hunting on Ebay (as we've done these last few years for previous Modelling Challenges) without picking up along the way a horde of unwanted out of scale plastic jeeps. They tend to get thrown into "joblots" with total abandon, being one of the favourite "Army Men" type vehicles of the last few decades. And thus we can present one of the cruddiest collections of down at heel, malformed, cheepy cheep and frankly juvenile "plastic models" ever to grace a Modelling Challenge - but they're FREE...

The Jeep  PMW 1.5 ton truck garage park. Although superficially similar, there are many differences;
some have footings for guns in the rear, some rounded bonnets and some flat, some longer, some wider,
some with decent front seats and some with just malformed "buckets". But all of them are completely "out of scale" for any kind of Jeep. Choose carefully, chaps!

And yes, we know that the actual Jeep didn't go into production until 1941, and then in the USA, rather than Herefordshire. But such time restrictions clearly don't apply to its forerunner, the famous PMW 1.5 ton truck, which was being churned out in numbers in Presteigne from 1938 onwards. Unfortunately for Comrade Colonel Professor Winters and his Communist forces, and such was the need for 'convertible currency' (or even a living wage) in Presteigne, as many trucks were going out the back of the factory as the front...

Hence, any faction (or any independent) can legitimately travel around in a suitably painted "PMW 1.5 tonner." Ideally, of course, its more "Jeep like" features might be disguised by camouflage, spare wheel or tarpaulin additions (just in case any American might get the wrong idea), but that's entirely up to the individual modeller.

And thus to the the usual technical rules of the Modelling Challenge (which may or may not be adhered to), special points being awarded (apart from painting and modelling brilliance, obviously) for:

  • snazzy 1930s three colour camouflage schemes (any three colours);
  • eccentricity;
  • Herefordshire connections, real or persuasively imagined;
  • a fun backstory to your PMW 1.5 ton crew (and weapon);
  • a truck mounted weapon just the right side of ludicrousness (see the Hilux ad above);
  • faction specific or a new introduction wholly independent of established factions;
  • anything that makes the Umpires quietly giggle.

So - can you use your "cheep plastic Jeep" model (or models, there may be enough for two each for some) to produce a VBCW Technical with added crew and "truck mounted weapon"? Or indeed anything that looks even vaguely roadworthy? Collect at the Spring Big Game 2023 and have a go - all finished products can be played as a FREE "Umpires' Bonus" addition to your usual VBCW Forces for the Autumn Big Game 2023! Hurrah!

PS. For previous Modelling Challenges and their results, see the "Modelling Challenge" annual labels to the right.....

Monday, 23 January 2023


And enter "The Great Commander" of the Collective Corporate Guard, none other than Sir Charles Tite-Wadde, Bt, Birmingham screw maker and night club owner. Will the Defence of Cadbury's Marlbrook make him a VBCW hero? Or consign him to history as a (possibly very dead) VBCW zero? Sir Charles makes sure that his Silver Ghost's engine is running.......

Sir Charles surveys the scene from a suitably grand position. His chauffeur and Rolls Royce
Silver Ghost (Matchbox) await, as does his bodyguards ("Knuckles" and "Fingers").
Chauffeur unknown WW1 driver, all other figures Heroclix.


Shortly after the arrival of the Oxo Brand Guardians, the forces of the Collective Corporate Guard are further bolstered by elements of the Fyffes' Motor Guard:

A tank and Self Propelled "Big Gun"
Fyffes have clearly been part of the "Joint Purchasing Commission", too -
the tank and SPG are identical in type to the Cadbury's models already seen.

Captain "Banana" Splitte boldly leads a section of Fyffes Motor Guard from their trucks.
Gripping Beast WW1 infantry, uniforms dyed yellow with pale blue accoutrements.
Important to keep to the "corporate colours". Trucks Lledo.

A Fyffes Mortar & Spotter (Reiver & Empress WW1 figures)
with the universally reviled Fyffes "Singing Mascot".

Happy co-operation within the Collective Corporate Guard.
Two AT Guns from Cadbury's and Fyffes' act as one battery.
(Matchbox diecast with 'bodged' new barrels)


The forces of the "Collective Corporate Guard" are gathering to defend the Cadbury's Factory at Marlbrook:

A tank of the Oxo Brand Guardians leads an Oxo Van into the Factory.
(Tank the same bodge of Shoddy Chassis and Airfix Poly turret as the Cadbury's
Tank - obviously a product of a Joint Purchasing Commission. Van Lledo)

The Oxo van operating as a prime mover. 'Big Gun' and crew, Wargames Foundry WW1 range. 

A section of Oxo Brand Guardians dismount from their transport, covered
by their LMG and HMG. WW1 uniforms dyed scarlet with cream accoutrements.
(Infantry from Gripping Beast, MMG from Wargames Foundry)


The "Joint Strategic Board Review" has resulted in lots of heavy support for the single section of Cadbury's Commandos:

"Wait for the heavy support, chaps!" Cadbury's Captain Cubbe directs his men. 

A Cadbury's Tank swans into view (bodged "Shoddy" tank chassis with Airfix poly turret)....

...followed by some towed heavy artillery (Corgi 1/50 tow with "Timmee" plastic artillery piece)...

...and then a tracked Big Gun (Airfix poly chassis
 bodged with plastic toy artillery piece and Reiver crew).
The flat sides of the SPG provide a useful advertising hoarding.


More transport arrives outside Cadbury's Marlbrook.....

Cadbury's Transport (Lledo). But what are they carrying?

A fine section of highly trained Cadbury's Commandos, of course. (Gripping Beast WW1).
WW1 Infantry uniforms dyed purple with off white accoutrements.
Captain "Coco" Cubbe, astride his favourite charger, directs proceedings.

Captain Cubbe's Command Car (Lledo) with MMG (Wargames Foundry) and Mortar (Scratchbuilt
with Foundry Artillery crew).

Pilot Officer "Top" Cover loops around the Cadbury Factory in his Observation Plane (Corgi)

Friday, 20 January 2023


First reports that the newly built Cadbury's Plant at Marlbrook is now the scene of unusual - nay, frenzied - activity:

A Scammell Highwayman Low-loader (Corgi, 1/50) at Marlbrook.
But is it collecting "chocolate crumb" or unloading armaments?

Sunday, 15 January 2023


On the urging of Lord de Braose, HM's Governor of Hereford and Lord Warden of the Marches, an urgent aerial photo reconnaissance has been undertaken of the Opposition Forces advance from Leominster towards the "Dinmore Hill Line":

That's right - Wing Commander Roo strapped himself into his stripped back and specially adapted photo reconnaissance "Silver Spitfire" to supplement the existing map information of the area around the Cadbury's Chocolate Factory at Marlbrook

The gallant Captain of the Cadbury's Corporate Guard (otherwise and perhaps somewhat hopefully known as "Cadbury's Commandos") has already reported "infiltration of the enemy around the Factory" and "masses of troops" heading straight towards his position. Cadbury Captain "Coco" Cubbe has personally telephoned Major Everard, Commander of all HMG Forces "in County" to plead for urgent assistance.

The history of "Corporate Guards" in the Hereford VBCW has not been a particularly happy one. Used to protect trade and resupply truck convoys, a variety of Corporate Guards became caught up in the Battle of Mortimer's Cross (Autumn Big Game 2019). At that conflict, an infantry section of the very same "Cadbury's Commandos" shamefully 'sold out' to the Communists, and were in turn bloodily "wiped out" by rampaging Morris Men. Their fellow "Corporate Guards" fared little better. An infantry section of the yellow clad "Fyffes Motor Guard" similarly "saw red" and joined" Comrade Colonel Professor Winter's Presteigne Communists (thereafter being massacred by newly landed Fallschirmjager), while their (extremely annoying) "Corporate Mascot" was machine gunned by Lord Scudamore's Loyal Legion. The red-clad "Oxo Brand Guardians", so far as can be recalled in the confusion that was the Battle of Mortimer's Cross, never even made it into action....

Thankfully, following these events, all three companies initiated a "joint strategic board review" in order better to defend "company property and profits". Considerable investment was made in 'heavy equipment' (obviously at a very favourable tax discount), a variety of dubious types were discharged from service, headquarters relocated (usually offshore) and new officers appointed. All three corporates agreed to "pool their resources", and a neutral "Collective Corporate Guard" flag was adopted:

The Collective Corporate Guard flag, 1938.
The original suggestion for a suitable motto,
"Profits before People", was reluctantly jettisoned
 following PR advice.

All that remained was the recruitment of a suitable figurehead, neutral between the contending corporates, to "Chair the Board" and provide direction to the fighting men. Strict selection criteria were drawn up, requiring military experience (preferably), courage, competence and undoubted honesty. No such candidate being available, the Board instead appointed Sir Charles Tite-Wadde, Bt., a Birmingham screwmaker (and nightclub promoter), a man who had (notoriously) "done well out of the (Great) War" and purchased his family baronetcy from Lloyd George in 1922...

Can Sir Charles and his Corporate Guards save the Marlbook Chocolate Factory? What resemblance is there between Marlbrook, 1938, and The Alamo, 1836? Which opposition faction will seize this huge "strategic asset" in-County and gorge themselves on its product? (this may largely depend upon who turns up from the available Opposition Forces). Is Cadbury's indeed the crumbliest, flakiest chocolate? Can Major Everard's Government forces "save the day" before the factory falls? All these questions, and so many more, can only be answered by attendance at the Spring Big Game 2023 ("Charlie and the Chocolate Factory") on Saturday 25th February 2023!

Amongst all the questions, one thing is certain. Everybody - but everybody -
hates "Banana Man", the Fyffes' Motor Guard "Singing Mascot".

And don't forget our latest Modelling Challenge ! If you've made your "Armoured Legend", you can play it as a free "Umpire Bonus" - in addition to your usual forces - at the Spring Big Game 2023!

Monday, 9 January 2023


It's back to the famous City & County Dining and Refreshment Rooms, still the best source of all campaign gossip in the Hereford VBCW. Notwithstanding the defection of certain senior Government staff officers to the nearby Imperial Cafe, the lure of a pot of Earl Grey and stacked platter of hot buttered muffins (not to mention a sprinkling of femmes fatale) has proved quite irresistible to many of those said to be "in the know".

The City and County Dining and Refreshment Rooms - delivering another
 round of hot tea and even hotter gossip !

After the Fall of Leominster to the forces of the newly founded Social Democratic Republic of Bromyard and the consequent capture of Government commanders Eustace Spode and Staff Captain Maynard, with Commander Queeg escaping only by the narrowest of margins aboard the BUF Armoured Train, the "Black Arrow" (see the Spring Big Game 2022 - Last Train from Leominster?), Hereford is decidedly jittery. The Communists and Social Democrats are only 12 miles from Hereford High Town, with the Anglican Forces of Ludlow not far behind - but even the most disastrous of defeats "in the field" can soon be overtaken by other momentous events...

(1). The Triumphant Return of Eustace Spode !

In an astonishing reversal of his once tattered fortunes, Eustace Spode, the nephew of infamous Blackshorts leader Roderick Spode, surprised all of Hereford by his victory at the little town of Llareggub in West Wales (see the Autumn Big Game 2022 - Alarm at Llarreggub!). The surprise was compounded by Spode's very presence in Wales, for the last that had been heard of him was as a prisoner of the Presteigne Communists.

Eustace Spode and his HQ Section

News is slowly filtering through as to Eustace Spode's release by Comrade Colonel Professor Winters and his subsequent adventures in West Wales. Immediately after the Llareggub victory, Spode began "the Long March Back" to Herefordshire, gathering support from rabid Welsh fascists as he went. Soon, Spode was strong enough to attack Hay on Wye and, in another spectacular coup, evict the long overlooked Kenny Gwain and his Abergavenny Sheep Rustlers.

In truth, it was not much of a battle. Contrary to expectations, Gwain and his followers had done very little but "tend to their sheep" since they had occupied Hay on Wye, and were taken "by surprise" (and allegedly "in flagrante", but the less said about that, the better) before they fled.

Kenny Gwain and friend in hurried flight from Hay on Wye.

Spode's plans remain obscure, but there is an ever present danger that his Blackshorts could "sweep down the Golden Valley" in an attack upon the territories of Sir Gilbert Hill. After long experience and many battles (or, as he would put it, "many inevitable victories") Sir Gilbert has "retired with honour" from the VBCW in Herefordshire, moving to Borsetshire and placing his Herefordshire lands and extensive criminal network commercial enterprises in the stewardship of the Bishop of Monmouth, his long standing friend and "personal spiritual adviser".

Sir Gilbert Hill, Lady Hill and Sir Gilbert's very personal secretary, Miss Florence Sweetmeat.
An honourable retirement to Borsetshire.

Sir Gilbert's Pontrilas supporters and tenantry ready themselves to defend the Golden Valley.
Can they do so without the leadership of their inspirational C-in-C?

(2). Leominster - the Rev. Duff-Postin's Greatest Diplomatic Coup !

In a dramatic simultaneous announcement, the Bishop of Ludlow and Councillor Arthur Dribblesnot, Leader of the Independent Republic of Bromyard, declared their "firm and amicable agreement" upon establishing a "Three Counties Co-Prosperity Sphere" and upon "passing stewardship of Leominster" from the Social Democratic (or Democratic Socialist, as you will) Republic of Bromyard to the Anglican forces of Ludlow. There seems to be a lot of this "stewardship" stuff going on these days..

It appears that the Ludlow/Bromyard pact was the brainchild of the Rev. Duff Postin, High Chancellor of Ludlow, who has thereby re-established his once golden reputation (tarnished after the Communists, then masquerading as "the Broad Left", infamously broke their Treaty obligations with the Ludlow Anglicans) as "the Talleyrand of Herefordshire". There are said to be "a variety of secret codicils" to the published treaty, which no-one knows anything about as yet (because their secret codicils, obviously.)

The Bishop of Ludlow and his Chancellor, the Rev Duff Postin, make their dramatic announcement
to a Pathe news crew.

The advantages to the Anglicans of the "Three Counties Co-Prosperity Sphere" are clear - a considerable reduction in the "threat level" from the neighbouring (and unstable) Social Democratic Republic, plus control of Leominster, obtained not by conflict but by diplomacy.

The advantages to the Social Democrats are equally clear. The infant Republic needed to buy time for development, pacify their powerful Anglican neighbours, and to relocate its best troops and "Independent Armoured Brigade" (Sir Alan McGuffin, prop.) from the "Leominster Front" to the "Ledbury Front", facing off against the increasing pressure from the highly mechanised Ledbury BUF.

Anglican possession of Leominster, as Councillor Dribblesnot is only too aware, also places a "buffer zone of security" between Bromyard and the marauding forces of Comrade Colonel Professor Winter's Communists. For the moment, however, it appears that all parties agree upon a general advance "upon a similar axis" (i.e. along the B49) towards Hereford itself....

(3). Cadbury's - County Chocolate Supplies in Peril !

Which means that everyone in the "City and County" is pouring over a certain section of their Bartholomew's "Half-Inch to the Mile" maps of Herefordshire:

The B49 road from Leominster to Hereford, via Ford, Hope under Dinmore and Holmer.

It has not taken long for even the most amateur of City & County strategists (Hilda and Gertrude) to realise that the precipitate retreat of Government forces from Leominster - it is said that even the bordel de campagne "only just got away" - to the hastily constructed "Dinmore Hill Line" has "left uncovered" a critical economic asset within the County : the newly constructed Cadbury's Factory at Marlbrook, just south of Ford. As various "attacking forces" are already reported to be "straggling past Stoke Prior", the factory is clearly in grave danger. The City & County is full of well-intentioned advice to Major Everard, C-in-C of His Majesty's Forces in Herefordshire, who has taken personal command of "the Dinmore Hill Line" and all defending forces. Will he sally forth to save the County's critical chocolate supplies?

But there's more.......

You mean there's more, Daphne ? Do tell !

(4). BUF - the Cult of Captain Arrowsmith !

There can be no more truly satisfactory gossip in the City & County than speculation about the "mysteriously disappeared" Captain Arrowsmith. Once the mighty overlord of all Government forces in Herefordshire, Arrowsmith precipitately deserted the County without explanation, apparently taking the Bank of England gold reserves with him. In a manhunt unparalleled even in its own annals, Fleet Street has subsequently reported him as having been (variously) killed by headhunters in Borneo, blown up in an explosion at the Royal Ordnance Factory, Rotherwas (see HERE), fled to Germany and been double-crossed by "Der Fuhrer", thereby reduced to scraping a lowly existence as an editor of Aryan lifestyle magazines (see HERE), or living in Rome and 'making fettucine" with a waiter named Guido (see HERE). Some or all of such reports were nonsense, of course (this is Fleet Street) for it has now been discovered that Arrowsmith actually removed himself to Hollywood, acting as valet for one of the United States' leading authors, Sinclair Lewis, and lending his name to a successful novel and screenplay:

Or so it is said. It now appears that "El Seed" and his Cultists are not the only secret society within Herefordshire. According to rumour, a small but very senior faction-within-a-faction inside the Herefordshire BUF dismiss all of Fleet Street's reports about Arrowsmith, claiming that the now obscure "author's valet" is "nothing but an imposter". They know where Arrowsmith is, and it is certainly not in Hollywood....for their courageous hero never left Herefordshire.

That's what they believe, Daphne. Have another muffin and listen to this! Yes, he never left Herefordshire - to the contrary, Arrowsmith is merely sleeping in a hidden cave or barrow within the County, surrounded by the Bank of England gold, ready to rise again when "the great cause" needs him! Apparently he took a special 'sleeping draught' provided to him by his Chief Scientific Adviser (and notorious cider addict), Professor Dave Ross. Well, why else do you think Ross has been isolated ever since on an island in the middle of the Bodenham Lake? And why else do you think that poor, poor Group Leader Giles was stood up against a wall and summarily shot by Commander Queeg? Was he "the Man who Knew Too Much"? You surely didn't believe all that stuff about a strawberry ice cream obsession? Or perhaps he was "the Man who Knew Nothing At All", and Queeg was merely eliminating a rival who had refused to join "the Black Brethren"?? We just don't know, Daphne - but there's only one place in the County for Arrowsmith's barrow, that's for sure - somewhere atop Dinmore Hill ! Oh, I know what the sceptics will say....

A sceptic reacts to the latest Arrowsmith gossip

(5). And in other news....

Speaking of former Government bigwigs, Lord Foy has finally broken cover! Quite whether his reputation will recover from "hiding out" as a humble agricultural labourer and hop-picker all this time, who knows? It seems that he was just too worried about being conscripted by the Social Democratic Republic of Bromyard, and has now made his escape from Leominster to that part of the countryside he knows like the back of his hand. No, not Foy itself, dear, the same parish but just across the Wye - to Hole in the Wall. He might never lead another army, but I'm sure he can put together a gang of some sort...and is your husband looking forward to the "Big Match - Up" between that hulking German, Mr Schmeling and our local boy, Josiah "Tasker" Watkins ? Of course, I can't stand violence myself....unless it involves a decent artillery barrage. What about Lord de Braose? Do you think his recall to London is imminent? Well....darling Lady de Braose....disgrace...continue ad nauseam, or until the City & County closes for the evening]

Tuesday, 3 January 2023


Queen Mary's presence at the Coronation on 12th May 1937 changed Royal Protocol - previously the Dowager Queen, or widow of the preceding sovereign, had "stayed away" from the coronation of his successor.

HM Queen Mary in the Coronation Procession, 12th May 1937

George V and Queen Mary had five sons and a daughter - Edward (b. 23rd June 1894), Albert (b.14th December 1895), Mary (b. 25th April 1897) Henry (b. 31st March 1900) George (b.20th December 1902) and John (b. 12th July 1905). Prince John died young in 1919.

While the exact relationship between Queen Mary and her son, Edward, remains a matter of historical controversy, it is known that both George V and Queen Mary thoroughly disapproved of Wallis Simpson. With hindsight, following the death of George V, the strain between mother and son was only too evident:

Respect. King Edward VIII greets his mother, Queen Mary,
at the Remembrance Day Parade, 11th November 1936.
The beginning of the "Great Constitutional Crisis"
is only a matter of days away.

Wariness. Edward VIII escorts his mother - at a safe distance.

Exasperation. The King and the Queen Dowager not seeing eye to eye.

Who knows what Queen Mary would have done in the VBCW? While her public support would have been invaluable to either of the contestants for the throne, her conflict of interest - a choice between her two eldest sons - would have been overwhelming. It may be, therefore, that she chose seclusion at Sandringham throughout the duration of the conflict. On the other hand, given that she was a redoubtable lady, it may be that she took a much more active part...

Queen Mary and her daughter, Princess Mary, on a tour of a VBCW Battlefield.
Or, as some would have it, a WW1 Battlefield. Either way - regal wheels!