The cost for the day is £15 per person, payable on the BIG DAY itself. Please remember to bring the exact money, as the Umpires won't have enough £5 notes to create change for everyone! In addition your £15 campaign contribution, please remember to bring:
(a). your lunch. We provide tea and coffee. If you want something to eat during the course of the day, pack it with your troops! Please note that there are no shopping facilities at the Yarkhill Village Hall (although there is a nice 'outside lunch' area).
your troops. Goes without saying, really. Your troops as per the VBCW Platoon Generator
HERE Note that we allocate experience ratings to sections on the morning of the BIG GAME as per the Platoon Generator rules, so it's helpful to have brought along a pencil and piece of paper to note down the results.
(c). your camera. If you intend taking pictures of the inevitable triumph of your troops, and the destruction of the enemy. The Umpires really like photographs of the action to illustrate the After Action Report.
(d). your paraphenalia. Dice, rules, measuring tapes, scatter terrain - all the "small stuff" that you usually use. The Umpires are always grateful for telephone poles, road signs, hedges, gates, bushes, sandbag emplacements etc. etc. - any small items of VBCW scenery that add to the overall effect. Rules are "WTDW" (Mort Version 11) - if anyone doesn't already have a copy, please email the Umpires.
And that's all there is to it ! Any questions to the Umpires via the Email Group, alternatively, in case that fails, via the LAF thread.
Important PS :
(1). as things stand, it looks like the A438 (West) table will be a 3 v 2 Battle between the Blackshorts and "a Far Left Alliance", while the A438 (East) table will be a 2 v 2 Battle between HM Crown Forces and a force of "Local Defence Volunteers". These will be set up in "classic attack v defence" formation, the originally mooted idea of "a crossfight" on each table having been shelved for now;
(2). The Umpires always have a discretion in relation to additional troops, exercised on the basis that additional forces should not fundamentally upset the balance of power within the intended game. Any player who wants to play "something extra" should get in touch with the Umpires by email, or bring the additional kit along on the Big Day and then have a chat with the Umpires. At the moment, the Umpires will "look kindly" upon requests from HM Crown Forces on the A438 (East) Table (to big up the attackers in a 2 v 2 Encounter) and from the Far Left Alliance on the A438 (West) table (to mitigate a repeat of the 'Disaster at Dinmore' and an early end to play in a 3 v 2 Encounter)
(3). Remember that the Umpires will be awarding the
"Players Prizes""at the end of the Big Day!
It is always possible that requests for "more troops" can be misinterpreted. Here, Mr Benn of the Independent Labour Party realises that he should have been particularly specific when asking for "more armour"
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